
Advertising currently undergoes radical transformation: digital techniques and media are - deeply and constantly - changing the traditional ways of advertisers’ communication with their targeted public. This section tries to stay on top of new developments.

Sexist ads: a never-ending story

Campaigns struggle to restrain from using disturbing innuendos.

A decades old problem, continuously in the headlines, but unsolved without a serious cultural change. Despite a periodically rising tide of public ...

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Careful with your claims when offering Internet connection plans!

The Italian Market and Competition Commissioner serves hefty fines to all major providers

ll major local players providing Internet access are constantly bombarding the local people with their marketing campaigns, diffused through differ...

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Italian Advertising SRO stays focused on ‘transparency’ and gender stereotypes.

Careful when stereotyping the sexes and trivializing the role of males and females.

Sometimes advertising campaigns find it hard to stay clear of presenting gender stereotypes, no longer in line with the sensitiveness and the equal...

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