
Advertising currently undergoes radical transformation: digital techniques and media are - deeply and constantly - changing the traditional ways of advertisers’ communication with their targeted public. This section tries to stay on top of new developments.

How to (not) use your (Ad)lawyer!

Some direct experience based suggestions.

At a recent conference in the US I have been asked to address an audience of advertisers and agency people about how to most efficiently use their ...

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Advertising transparency: thou shall not mislead potential clients!

“Talking the talk, but not walking the walk”.

While the advertising industry puts a hype on principles such as ‘transparency’, ‘accountability’ and ‘trust’, marketers frequently rely on practic...

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Influencer Marketing receives increased scrutiny from watchdogs

The subtle power of Social Media VIPs (disinterested?) suggestions

In recent years companies have been rushing to engage ‘influencers’ to spread the word about their products on social media. However, such practice...

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