
Advertising currently undergoes radical transformation: digital techniques and media are - deeply and constantly - changing the traditional ways of advertisers’ communication with their targeted public. This section tries to stay on top of new developments.

Advertising on Social Media.

Brands really need to care about transparency.

In a digital environment commercial communication steps up to significant levels of complexity. Promotional practices tend to result extremely soph...

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Digital Advertising in Italy.

The local advertising self-regulation institute (IAP) updates its guidelines (the 'Digital Chart').

Acknowledging the rapidly increasing relevance of digital advertising, the local SRO (IAP) decided to analyze and address potential issues specific...

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Networking (marketing yourself) at events.

The DOs and DON’Ts: a practical guide.

I have lost count of the events I have been to over the years either as an attendee or as a speaker. Thinking back at this experience, I feel that ...

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